Three Travel Internet Daily PassTerms – Bill Pay

The following Terms and Conditions for the Three Travel Internet Daily Pass Terms for Bill Pay customers are in addition to the General Terms for Services.

The Three Travel Internet Pass is available on Bill Pay to business and non-business customers and end-userswho are authorised to opt in to the tariff. To opt into this service you must text EUPASS to 50202. Account managed customers need to contact their account manager to opt-in. The daily tariff will be applied within 2 working days and you will be notified when it has been applied.You can opt out of the rate without restriction and the default data roaming rates will apply. If you wish to opt out text NOPASS to 50202, account managed customer need to contact their account manager to opt out. A text confirmation will be sent when the opt out request has been processed. The Daily Pass applies to data services used in the EU and EEA countries. The countries featured are subject to change.

A daily charge applies when you commence a data session. For this charge you receive the daily data allowance after which an additional per MB usage rate applies.We will notify you when we see that data usage is reaching your daily allowance. This notification may be received when you have passed the allowance. We will use reasonable efforts to deliver notifications in a timely manner however the notifications are approximate indications of your usage & spend and due to processing times of recent account activity some usage may be excluded at time of notification. Three will not be responsible if, for any reason, we are unable to send a notification, a notification is delayed or you do not receive an notification.

Charge details are published on our website.There is no subscription charge for this service and the daily charge is only applied when you initiate a data session while roaming in an EU and EEA country.

The daily data allowance can be used between 00.00hrsand 23.59 hrs (Irish time) Whilst travelling you will need to check the time in Ireland. Unused data allowances cannot be carried over to the next day.If your data usage/session continues through midnight, some of the data used, after midnight, may be included as a new daily charge in the following day. To avoid additional charges, Three recommends you complete your session before midnight (GMT). In addition, you cannot carryover an unused data allowance to a country (including Ireland) where the tariff does not apply.

Three reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions or discontinue the Offer (or any part of it) for reasonable commercial technical or operational reasons, subject to reasonable notice being provided.

Effective Date: 20th August 2012 (Amended March2015)