
Reliable connectivity for TLI Group

Superfast speeds from 3Mobile Broadband

Case Study

Staying connected on the move is vital for TLI Group as it designs, builds and maintains overhead electrical power lines, substations, and telecoms networks.

Though its head office is in Tralee, many of its 400-strong team work off-site, patrolling electricity cable routes, putting up overhead power lines or supervising telecom cable digs. In the past, TLI Group workers used handheld units for recording project details, but these were replaced with smartphones because 4G connectivity allows reports to be sent to supervisors instantly. This is critical for logging accurate power line coordinates, or when flagging safety issues like line faults or damaged electricity poles.

“Before, our staff had to come back into the office with their handheld devices, and information wasn’t getting through for five or six days. Now, it’s in real time,” explains Cillian O’Regan, IT Manager at TLI Group.

Needing dependable bandwidth, TLI chose Three to provide connectivity to all TLI Group smartphones and tablets with 3Mobile Broadband.

“Obviously, coverage is a massive factor for us. A lot of the places where we work are fairly remote. In the last year and a half since we’ve been with Three, the connectivity issues have gone away,” Cillian reports.

Due to the nature of its projects, TLI Group often needs to set up short term satellite offices. Three’s regional network upgrade has made a huge difference, providing high-capacity broadband to parts of Ireland where fixed lines don’t reach.

TLI Group provides all new recruits with smartphones, and Three’s responsive customer service is another plus point for Cillian. “Getting a new SIM activated or a new account set up is easy. It happens within the hour, and new smartphones arrive within a day of ordering,” he says.

TLI Group also benefits from predictable monthly bills; so managing connectivity costs is easy. “Data used to be where we were always getting caught with the bills. Moving to Three’s all-you-can-eat plan has singlehandedly made the biggest difference to our bills. We have saved more than 25% on our annual mobile data costs.”

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