
Emdalo connects across continents

Backed by reliable, fast, unlimited connectivity

Case Study

It’s said business is best done face-to-face, but video calls are an increasingly popular substitute. Daire McNamara, Director of Emdalo Technologies, estimates that 75 percent of all company calls now use video chat.

“Many of the calls we have are conference calls where people are dialling in from India or the US. If you’re trying to build a remote team, it creates a sense of unity if everyone can see each other. And, if we’re sharing documents or physical prototypes, video lets you show what you’re talking about.”

From its head office in Shannon, Co. Clare, Emdalo deals with customers in the USA, the UK and Ireland. Many of the 11-person team spend much of their time on the road, so last year, Emdalo moved five company smartphones to an unlimited voice and data plan from Three. It also chose Three to provide two landlines to the Shannon office.

Emdalo may be a small business but it’s serving a large market. Its experienced team of software designers develops embedded firmware for microprocessors and microcontrollers in markets including automotive, wireless telemetry, performance testing and digital radio. The company focuses especially on two exciting emerging technologies: artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Sometimes, when a member of the team was visiting a customer site, that company’s policy didn’t allow external staff to access the network. Instead, Emdalo staff connect with 4G mobile broadband from Three.

Due to the nature of Emdalo’s work, some of the team might need to log code on a database, or download a PowerPoint presentation while away from the office. As well as needing to send and receive large files, the team also relies heavily on emails, WhatsApp, Skype and other messaging tools. Being able to count on this connectivity without worrying about broadband limits is essential, Daire confirms.

“We really couldn’t run our business without the data plans. Predictable costs are crucial for us. And the other side is, it makes the administration of the account one less hassle. If things are running smoothly, we can concentrate on running our business,” he says.

“Data is particularly important to us. For Emdalo, the data quality, reliability and speed are critical to us to keep our business running – and so far, Three has been doing a great job. They have been very easy to work with and they seem to have the best deals,” Daire adds approvingly.

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