
Saving the day at Captain Americas

With a tailored network service from Three


Case Study

Captain Americas is a restaurant chain established in 1971 with three outlets in Dublin and Cork. It is one of 26 businesses in the international, Dublin-based Press Up Entertainment Group.

The group has 70 management team members on corporate mobile plans, many of whom travel frequently. Some need voice connectivity only, while others also require mobile data. Some users travel throughout Europe, USA and South America, and others stay within Ireland. It’s essential that team members are able to perform effectively, wherever they are, on any device - while keeping costs down meant it often took time before high costs came to light. And, if the company needed to query a bill in more detail, it had to contact its mobile provider.


Three provides the group with a customised business plan, with voice and data, and allowances tailored to each user’s needs. Dave Mongan, Group Operations Manager at Press Up Entertainment worked with Three to customise these plans: “I have split our users across three tiers, namely: standard users; middle management and senior management. I can allow people to be on different usage bands, depending on their needs, and to restrict certain types of usage that certain users don’t need.”

Senior management, who travel frequently, must be able to roam across international networks with data so they can exchange documents. Local users on the other hand have no need for international roaming, and only some need large data allowances.

In context of the overall plan, data privileges can be allocated to those that need them most and with budgets that reflect their needs. The plan also includes a flexible drawdown facility for replacing and upgrading handsets. This simplifies and speeds up the replacement of lost, stolen or malfunctioning phones, keeps users productive, and allows upgrades to be delivered sooner.

Underpinning the agreement is a tiered Three Customer Care package. Dave Mongan says, “I meet our Three Account Manager on a quarterly basis to review operations and obtain feedback. She gives me strategic direction on how I can make best use of the agreement, avail of new facilities and establish customised plans for specific users. For day-to-day purposes I have a Business Support Executive who deals with immediate issues such as adding or removing users or switching them between existing plans.”


Dave Mongan calls Three’s business support “a godsend”. The convenience of dedicated support contact every day of the week gives peace of mind and allows the service to operate effectively. “It’s great to have someone who will respond quickly to an email seven days a week,” he says. “As well as routine issues such as adding and changing users, any problems that crop up are dealt with immediately.”

The strategic value of regular contact with a Senior Account Manager is also very beneficial. “Being able to cherry pick services and tailor our plans for individual users is very useful,” says Dave Mongan. “It helps us to plan our services into the future and operate them cost effectively.”

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